Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Surveilance Project

1. Where did you set up your camera first?

A: I set it up by the grade 7 hallway.

2. Why did you select the area to survey?

A: Because there are alot of kids walking down there.

3. How long did you remain in the same area?

A: About 10 minutes.

4. What sort of images did you capture?

A: I got alot of ones where people are looking at the camera and I got a few where people are accually doing their own thing.

5. Were you satisfied with the results? Why or why not?

A: I wasn't satisfied because I got a lot of photos of people looking at the camera.

6. Describe your favourite image; explain why it is your favourite.

A: My favorite image is the one at the top of this post. I like this photo because it looks like the people in this image look like they need to be going somewhere and they aren't looking at the camera.

7. How did people react to you?

A: A lot of people said to me " Why are you taking photos of me"

8. How did you feel while you were taking the photos? Anxious, awkward...

A: I felt kinda weird because I was taking photos of people without them knowing....

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